C3 Environmental LImited

Environmental Problem Solvers

Waterloo Barrier® is a low permeability cutoff wall for groundwater containment and control. It is a design of steel sheet piling featuring joints that can be sealed after the sheets have been driven into the ground. C3 Environmental assisted in the development and commercialization of the product and is the exclusive licensed installer for the system.

C3 Environmental Limited has a team of professionals with extensive experience in the fields of construction, remediation, and contracting. We will work with you to find a quick and effective solution to get your site back into compliance.

The ISCO technology is an in-situ process utilizing the injection of proprietary liquid chemical formulations through monitoring wells into the contaminated portion of an aquifer. This method has been proven to result in immediate reductions in contaminant concentrations.

C3 Environmental can provide conventional soil remediation services. We specialize in projects involving Deep and/or Complex Excavation projects and can provide complete turnkey packages including engineering design, construction supervision, health & safety management, and QA/QC.

C3 Environmental Limited is a full-service environmental contractor that specializes in groundwater barriers, deep/complex excavations, and chemical oxidation remediation. Thorough quality assurance and control, solid construction experience, and active research allow us to resolve complex problems by applying unique comprehensive solutions.


Double-Walled Waterloo Barrier® containment cell to isolate contaminated lake sediments.

Waterloo Barrier® Entombment - Randle Reef: Hamilton, Ontario

Waterloo Barrier® Cell installed to enhance a P&T system.

Enhanced Pump and Treat System - New Windsor, NY

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